Blog (Page 8)
7 tips to have a diversified investment portfolio
One of the best ways to understand how investing works is to study the differences between various kinds of investment vehicles and to compare how those vehicles produce value. Many investors, for example, are confused by different kinds of bonds. Some investors don't know for sure exactly what a bond is or how one works. With the details of basic investing as confusing as they can sometimes be, it shouldn't be surprising that advanced... ❯❯❯
5 reasons why traveling and moving to another country has fantastic benefits for your health
Everyone likes a good vacation. It becomes even better when that vacation is in a foreign country. When traveling to a new country, you get a chance to experience cultures, climate, landscapes, and many other things. Every location in this world is unique in its way. Therefore, there will be a lot of learning going on as you travel through the cities and countryside. However, have you ever asked yourself the effect that these experience... ❯❯❯
How to Get the Best Out of Your Instagram Profile with the Help of Effective Graphic Designing
You cannot disagree with the fact that a particular Instagram account is zero without any images. Businesses are using Instagram in order to capture the attention of potential customers as well as followers. According to, 75% of the Instagrammers are not from the US. However, this is something impossible if there is no beautiful and engaging content in the profile. Even if all the posts are designed by you, you... ❯❯❯
What You Need to Know About Managing Up
Your relationship with your boss can have a big impact on your job satisfaction and career. Even if there seem to be some flaws in their management style or your personalities clash, you can still work together successfully if you learn the art of managing up.
The more skillful you become at helping your boss to plan and organize activities, the more valuable you become to them. You’ll probably be happier and more productive at work... ❯❯❯
What Will You Do When You Get Promoted Without a Pay Raise?
You’re excited because your boss tells you that you’re being promoted, and then you feel let down when you find out that your salary will stay the same, even if you are already earning a high salary as a lawyer or doctor. Does it make sense to do more work without receiving more money? Accepting a promotion without a raise can be a smart career move, and a growing number of employees are doing it. Almost 40% of companies frequently... ❯❯❯
What’s Wrong With Busy Work?
We like busy work. It’s always at least a little bit less painful than the task we know we should be doing. At the same time, we feel at least a little productive.
Cleaning behind the fridge is normally less than inspiring, but it doesn’t sound half-bad when the other option is doing your taxes.
It’s important to be aware of when you’re avoiding your real work for busy work. You’ll actually be happier if you make the most of your... ❯❯❯
8 Tips for Thriving at Work as an Assistant
Being an assistant is challenging and exciting, but no one ever said it was easy. The responsibilities can be significant and widely varied. However, there are several things you can do to thrive in your assistant job.
Remember that your primary obligation is to help your boss to do well and to look good doing it. Keeping that in mind is the real trick to success as an executive or celebrity assistant.
Try these tips to help yourself... ❯❯❯
How to Create Effective Processes as an Executive Assistant
Much of an executive assistant’s day is routine. There may be daily or weekly graphs and reports to generate, phone calls and emails to screen, travel plans to be made, and meeting notes to record and distribute. Not to mention things related to money and finance.
Anything that is done regularly should be considered for optimization. Optimizing something you do once a year isn’t as fruitful as optimizing something you do each day.
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How To Close Your Business
We often talk about in business starting or creating a company, but there's another side to that coin. It's not something entrepreneurs often think about, but many times there comes the point where you want to close your business. Perhaps you had a revenue amount that you wanted to achieve before you cashed out and started on another project of interest, or maybe you've been doing it for years, and it's time to get the business off... ❯❯❯
Some Unnecessary Small Business Expenses to Avoid
When you start a business, you have to be extra careful with how you spend your capital. There are many ways for small business owners to increase their profits. Reducing their costs is one of the simplest and most effective ones. A lot of the times, entrepreneurs would add costs to their budgets that they don't necessarily have to make. It might appear to them that these are necessary expenses when that's not the case. They can add... ❯❯❯